Picking the right path through life . . . we’re all doing our best, but it’s a tangled mess out there. Expectations are high and distraction abounds (thank you, internet) and more than anything we could use some honesty. I’m tired of perfect pictures, dialed life advice, and people pretending like they’ve got it all figured out. I certainly don’t. But I believe in pulling back the veil, seeing what lays beneath, and that the best path will be found inside some real human experience.

So why this newsletter? Well, I often wake up wondering how I got here. That can be some lonely business. But rather than let that curiosity die on the vine, I’ll take an honest conversation between good-thinking people—and Substack is where the best real time thinking is happening, wholesale. Together we’ll figure out where we’re going, by one route or another.

Whether you sign up for free or upgrade to a paid subscription, I hope you’ll join me.

Free subscribers have access to:

  • weekly stories: some essays / some fiction (except for occasional paywalled stories)

  • all the honesty I’ve got

  • quality interaction in the comments

Paid subscribers receive all free content, plus:

  • full access to all paid stories

  • opportunity to suggest topics upcoming pieces

  • my greatest appreciation for supporting me and my work

Either way, welcome to Routed and thank you!

About me

I am a writer and homebuilder living in Colorado USA with my family. I love it when people tell me: oh I never thought about it that way before. And I find that happens when we slow down, take a step back, and appreciate the connections between parts of life that often go unnoticed. I write this newsletter and my debut novel is currently looking for a publisher.

Here’s a little more about what I believe . . .

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cultural commentary and fiction


Writer, homebuilder, father. Still figuring things out.