RE: the "signs from beyond," check out Sebastian Junger's "In My Time of Dying." It's an incredible read. Touches on some of the themes you touch on here (liminal space, presence, and uncertainty, specifically) in the context of his own personal experience.

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Will do!

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This is my favorite piece you’ve written. I’ve read many of Bruce Lee’s life philosophies, which I find very deep ,yet so accurate. I also was inspired by learning Lao Tzu’s philosophy, which hit home with me, especially “ if you are depressed, you’re living in the past” you recently told me, I don’t seem happy: maybe it’s because I’ve spent most of my life internally dwelling on my past. From this point forward, I intend to live in the present, at peace, embracing liminal space,

because I am so grateful for all that I have.

Thank you for inspiring me.

Love you,


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