Thanks for that piece. Seth Godin come to mind, and his book called The Dip. It kinda describes a similar theory of coming to a low point when things get hard, through the lens of business.
Nice piece Martin, and I like how you tied it all together at the end. Also love that Ira Glass quote. I wrote a piece a few years ago based on it/that interview. Will see if I can find it.
AI lacks soul. You can teach a machine everything - but only your soul pushes on to perfection. It's why we press on to make something as good as it can be, but still aren't satisfied with the end result. Hence the Anaïs Nin quote “We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.” We KNOW something can be better, experience tells us. Yet the older we get, the easier it is to employ that experience and push even closer towards perfection. AI may be smart, but it will always lack the experience and feeling to make something unbelievable. And you're right, things get easier and easier - until they finally become simple again.
Good stuff, man.
Thanks man!
Thanks for that piece. Seth Godin come to mind, and his book called The Dip. It kinda describes a similar theory of coming to a low point when things get hard, through the lens of business.
Nice, I’ll have to check that out
Oh, good stuff 🩷🤓
Nice piece Martin, and I like how you tied it all together at the end. Also love that Ira Glass quote. I wrote a piece a few years ago based on it/that interview. Will see if I can find it.
Yeah, I'd love to see it. I go back to that quote every once in a while, whenever my taste exceeds my abilities.
AI lacks soul. You can teach a machine everything - but only your soul pushes on to perfection. It's why we press on to make something as good as it can be, but still aren't satisfied with the end result. Hence the Anaïs Nin quote “We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.” We KNOW something can be better, experience tells us. Yet the older we get, the easier it is to employ that experience and push even closer towards perfection. AI may be smart, but it will always lack the experience and feeling to make something unbelievable. And you're right, things get easier and easier - until they finally become simple again.