I was ordering my second IPA of the day at Smiling Toad Brewery in Colorado Springs. I noticed a chess set on the bar and a sign that offered a free beer to anyone who could beat the bartender. Said bartender set up the pieces while I gave him the once over to take in his collection of tattoos and piercings. No way that this guy is a chess player. He beat me in four moves. It was a slow day so he gave me lessons and revealed that he was indeed a competitive chess player and had only given away three free beers in the four months of his challenge. What fun we can have by simply engaging with a stranger.

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Love it, Micah.

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I’m a 60+ Jewish man living in the suburbs of St. Louis. My wife (also Jewish) and I own trail horses and trail ride all over the country. We have a lot of horse riding friends from across the country that we ride with and I’m certain we are the only Jews. It doesn’t matter in the least that we are Jewish or that they are not, we just love horses and that’s all that matters, not to mention, we are also very close friends. I spend my days on a tractor, mucking horse shit,fixing whatever needs to be fixed around the house, not typical for a Jewish man, or at least not any that I have met. I like that fact that most people have no clue I’m Jewish and I find some humor and personal satisfaction that I can do what most cannot.

I am also, and I say this with enormous pride, the authors father.

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I learned how to read the room from you, Pops. Smooth jazz in the Lotus, Country in the Dually--that about sums it up. Love you.

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I thought this was a great post. And I'm touched by the mutual love and respect of you and your father

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Thanks, David. From the way you write about your family, I think you'll agree that so much of happiness and success starts right there in the home.

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