As a wise man (Yogi Berra) once said: " When you see a fork in the road, take it. " Everything happens for a reason. It just takes a while to get it.

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Exactly. Number 4 on the list might just be: keep going.

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One thing to add to the list. Find faith…. in something whether it is religion, god, or just some higher power. There are things we can’t control or understand. It helps to have faith to keep you going.

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100% . . . seems like there's too much mystery along the way to only believe what's right in front of you.

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"A camel is nothing but a horse designed by a committee!" Another analogy - you'll relate. A beautiful home can only be built with a good set of plans. Life is like that. Everything good in life has a starting point, and a finishing point. What happens between birth and death is sometimes scenic. But with a Master plan, the result is always beautiful - maybe not the way we thought it would turn out, but beautiful nonetheless.

You build, you'll get this. When there's nothing but a blank sheet of paper, the need for shelter is filled with endless possibilities. But when needs and objectives begin to fill the sheet of paper, something beautiful results. 'DIRECTION' just showed up. Between turning the first spade of dirt, and handing someone the keys at the end, invariably there'll be a lot of noise - some good, some not so good. But 'eyes on the prize,' the goal is to finish strong, and satisfy the Creator.

Forgive me for speaking in parity, but if you'll think this through, I hope you'll see that a life lived with direction and purpose (i.e. blueprints, plans) is much more meaningful than living for the moment - and then trying to stick a whole bunch of "moments" together to call it a "life."

(Final thought - I promise!) Great athletes are those who can block out all crowd noise and focus only on the goal. I hope this helps, (signed) Your Biggest Fan!

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Convention also asks us to WORK WORK WORK during some of the best years of our lives, that we may PLAY PLAY PLAY LATER LATER LATER. And of course, we build such great PLAY PLAY PLAY skills while we WORK WORK WORK 🙄

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Makes me think of those interviews of people on their deathbed and the number one regret is: I wish I hadn't worked so hard.

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